Author - CASSOA

Tanzania to receive ICAO Council Presidential Award

Tanzania is among the eight countries which have been recognised to receive the international Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) – Council Presidential award for outstanding performance of the Universal Safety Oversight Audits Programme USOAP took place in 2017, whereby the country performance raised from 37.8 percent of 2013 audit to 64.35 percent (more…)


Meeting to review and amend aircraft accident and incident investigation regulations concludes in Entebbe

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31st August 2017. The meeting of the Joint Draft Persons, Safety Management, Aircraft Accident Investigation and Legal Experts was held to review stakeholder’s comments and finalise amendments to the EAC Model Civil Aviation (Safety Management) Regulations and EAC Model Civil Aviation (Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation) Regulations. (more…)


EAC UFIR Project Team, AN Regulators, Drafters and Legal Experts Meet in CASSOA HQ.

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20th August 2018. A joint EAC working group meeting to review the Manual of air navigation services operations (Air Traffic Management and Communication, Navigation and Surveillance) in order to incorporate EAC UFIR seamless operation took place in Entebbe, Uganda. The meeting was attended by EAC UFIR (Upper Flight Information Region) Project team, Air Navigation Regulators, Draftspersons and Legal experts. (more…)


The EAC Anthem

The 12th Ordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of State meeting in Arusha adopted the EAC Anthem, Wimbo wa Jumuiya Afrika Mashariki, on 3 December 2010. The adoption of the Anthem brought to an end a decade-long search for a song that East Africans would call their own.

Wimbo wa Jumuiya Afrika Mashariki is a melodic three-stanza composition written in Kiswahili. It exhorts East Africans to pursue the virtues of unity, patriotism and hard work, while cultivating a spirit of comradeship.



An Interactive Meeting with UK CAA

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17th July 2018. Head of International Development, UK CAA Mr. Mattijs Smith and Mr. Liam Byrne who is a Senior Manager International Development at UK CAA paid a Visit to CASSOA offices in Entebbe Uganda. The two were received by Ag. Executive Director Mr. Emile Arao and members of staff present. (more…)


Project Loon – Aviation Powered Internet

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26th June 2018. Project Loon Briefing workshop kicked off in Nairobi Kenya at Ole Sereni Hotel. Google Inc’s ‘’Project Loon’’ aims to employ unmanned free balloons at high altitude to provide trans-global internet access. (more…)


Inter – RECs Meeting (SBAS Module)

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20th June, 2018. An inter – RECs meeting on the review and validation of the economic impact assessment studies in view of the creation of Eastern Africa SBAS Module concluded in Dakar, Senegal.

The meeting was organized as a follow up of the first meeting held in Kampala from 17th to 20th April 2018 where the recommendations were adopted in view of further improvement of validated documents especially on the economic studies where data was missing both on Aviation and Non-Aviation. The meeting was organized as a sub committee of the Task Force agreed during the Kampala Meeting (more…)


EAC Examination Experts Meeting

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11th June ,2018. A meeting of EAC Examinations Pool of Experts is on going at EAC CASSOA offices from 11th to 15th June, 2018. The meeting is expected to do the following in the next four days; (more…)


New Passenger on board Flight EAC CASSOA

11th June ,2018. EAC CASSOA received a member of Staff under the department of Aviation Security. Ag. Executive Director Mr Emile Arao gave a brief Introduction of EAC CASSOA were the emphasis was on the Four Core values of CASSOA. Mr Philbert Bakilana will be the new Principal Aviation Security Officer in Charge of Aviation Security Department. (more…)


Dangerous Goods and Radio Active Substances Training

28th May, 2018. EAC CASSOA in partnership with Airbus has organized a 6 days Training on Dangerous Goods cat 6 + Radio Active substances. The training is coordinated by Manager Air Operations Capt. Immaculate Apolot on behalf of EAC CASSOA. The AIRBUS sponsored course is being delivered by BUREAU VERITAS as per IATA category 6/7 training syllabus.  Fifteen (15) Inspectors of the Civil Aviation Authorities of Partner States, which include Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Republic of South Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda are expected to participate in the ongoing Training. (more…)