Author - CASSOA

ICAO Regional Safety Management Symposium and Workshop

28th May, 2018. The members of EAC CASSOA board attended the ICAO Regional Safety Management Symposium and Workshop in Kigali, Rwanda. The Journey to Achieving Effective Safety Management was the theme of this Symposium & workshop, it involved two African regions i.e Eastern and Southern African region and the Western and Central African Region. The Symposium was hosted by Civil Aviation Authority of Rwanda and the main objectives of the Symposium were to;


CASSOA Hosts EAC Internal Auditor’s Retreat

21st May, 2018. Internal Auditors from EAC Institutions are meeting in CASSOA Headquarters located in Circular Road Entebbe Plot number 41/43. The 2018 Joint Internal Audit Planning Retreat will take place between 21st and 25th of May 2018.  Flight Operations Manager, Capt. Immaculate Apolot received the delegation and welcomed them to EAC CASSOA on behalf of the Executive Director. At CASSOA we are Glad to host the exercise and we wish the Delegates a fruitful deliberation.



Secretary General visits CASSOA

19th May, 2018. EAC CASSOA was Honored by the visit of Ambassador Liberat Mfumukeko, the Secretary General of the East African Community. This was the First phase of his visit to EAC Institutions located in Kenya and Uganda. The Acting Executive Director Mr Emile Nguza Arao and Staff members present received the Secretary General. Mr Arao introduced staff members  and also gave a presentation on operations of the Agency together with challenges and opportunities EAC CASSOA is facing as a Regional Safety Oversight Organization. (more…)



04th April, 2018. Members of the Ugandan National Parliament paid a courtesy call visit to EAC CASSOA. The delegation comprised of Members of EAC Affairs Committee headed by their Chairman Hon. Ayoo  Tonny and Vice Chairman Hon. Ouma George Abbot. The legislators were received by Mr Ambrose Akandonda on behalf of CASSOA Board Chairman, Ag. Executive Director Mr Emile Arao, Eng. Christopher Njenga, Board Expert and EAC CASSOA Staff and Interns present.




16th April, 2018. EAC CASSOA Board Members together with Management of the Agency paid a visit to Moi international Airport on 6th of April 2018. The delegation was received by Aeronautical Information System Manager on behalf of Station Manager.



Notice of Board Meeting.

13th April, 2018. Notice is hereby given of the Forty-Second East African Community Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (EAC-CASSOA) Board Meeting to be held on Thursday, 10th and Friday, 11th May 2018 in Entebbe, Uganda.



2nd Board Retreat Meeting underway in Mombasa

4th March, 2018. EAC CASSOA 2nd Board Retreat Meeting underway in Mombasa – Kenya. The meeting was opened by Dr. David Kakuba, Board Chair and MD CAA Uganda. Key areas to be deliberated during the two days will be; Centre for Aviation Medicine, EAC CASSOA Legal Framework, funding mechanism and staff attraction and retention. There will also be a training on Corporate governance and on the Second day the Board Members will visit Mombasa International Airport. (more…)


M & E of CAPSCA Project Preparedness AT JKIA

26th March, 2018.Head of Centre for Aviation Medicine, Dr. Kirunda together with Office Management Assistant -CAM Sylvia Otieno carried out a mission to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on 22nd of March 2018. The purpose of the mission was to monitor and evaluate the implementation of various intervention strategies and activities at all the major International airports and in particular Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). EAC CASSOA Team was accompanied by Dr. Festus Ilako, Chief medical Assessor and received by Port Health Officials. (more…)


SSP/AIG Technical Guidance Material working group

26th March 2018. SSP and AIG Experts from EAC Partner States are meeting today in EAC CASSOA Hq – Entebbe to participate in the working group meeting to review SSP/SMS and Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Technical Guidance Materials. The meeting was opened by Ag. ED Mr Emile Arao and is expected to end on 29th of March 2018. (more…)


Visit by CS Munya and Chair of the Council

Today, March 21st 2018 EAC CASSOA was Honored to receive Cabinet Secretary for East African Community and Northern Corridor Development Hon. Peter Munya and Chairman of the EAC Council of Ministers, Hon. Dr Ali Kirunda Kivenjija, Uganda’s Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of East African Affairs at our exhibition desk in the 6th Academia Public Private Partneship Forum in Nairobi Kenya. (more…)