Author - CASSOA

EAC CASSOA ready for ISO certification

13th March, 2018. Mr Emile Nguza Arao, the Acting Executive Director -CASSOA and Wanjiru Muita the Senior Accountant for CASSOA represented the Agency in a meeting with GIZ in regard to ISO Certification. This meeting was held in EAC Headquarters, Arusha where Ms Christine C. Atim (EAC Quality Management Systems Focal Officer) and Tom Sorensen (GIZ) were present. (more…)


EAC CASSOA Congratulates new CANSO Chairman

Director General, Tanzanian Civil Aviation Authority Mr Hamza S. Johari who is also a board member of EAC CASSOA has been appointed as a new Chairman for CANSO African region. EAC CASSOA family congratulates DGTCAA and wishes him the best in his appointment. To read more on this news please click HERE


EAC CASSOA experts on a technical mission to TCAA

Manager Airtworthiness, Manager Flight Operations and Senior Information technology Officer will be visiting Tanzania Civil Aviation Offices in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania on an assignment to validate questions into EAC Examination System. These experts will work together with TCAA officials as part of EAC Examination Task Force. Prior to this meeting EAC Examination task force had a meeting on 12th-16th of Feb 2018 to review Flight Crew Licence Syllabus. (more…)


State Safety Programme assessment – URT

On March 2nd, 2018 Mr Henry Okech and Capt. Immaculate Apolot (EAC CASSOA Technical Experts) undertook a technical mission to Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority. The aim of the mission was to assess the state safety program in United Republic of Tanzania. The Experts were received by Mr. Mohamed Besta who works with Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority. (more…)



The 4th East African Legislative Assembly undertook an on-spot assessment to explore opportunity for enhancing integration in the central & Northern corridor of EAC region. Honorable members also got an insight on the operation of CASSOA among other EAC Institutions. Board members present, Ag. ED Mr Emile Nguza Arao and EAC CASSOA staff received EALA Members.



Aviation Symposium Kicked Off in Nairobi – Kenya

The 4th East African Community Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) symposium was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 1st to 2nd February 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel under the theme of ‘Aviation Safety and Collaborative Approach’. The symposium was held as an initiative to review CASSOA’s safety and harmonization programmes including the assistance to partner states to assist them in meeting ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.