EAC CASSOA experts on a technical mission to TCAA

Manager Airtworthiness, Manager Flight Operations and Senior Information technology Officer will be visiting Tanzania Civil Aviation Offices in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania on an assignment to validate questions into EAC Examination System. These experts will work together with TCAA officials as part of EAC Examination Task Force. Prior to this meeting EAC Examination task force had a meeting on 12th-16th of Feb 2018 to review Flight Crew Licence Syllabus. (more…)


State Safety Programme assessment – URT

On March 2nd, 2018 Mr Henry Okech and Capt. Immaculate Apolot (EAC CASSOA Technical Experts) undertook a technical mission to Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority. The aim of the mission was to assess the state safety program in United Republic of Tanzania. The Experts were received by Mr. Mohamed Besta who works with Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority. (more…)



The 4th East African Legislative Assembly undertook an on-spot assessment to explore opportunity for enhancing integration in the central & Northern corridor of EAC region. Honorable members also got an insight on the operation of CASSOA among other EAC Institutions. Board members present, Ag. ED Mr Emile Nguza Arao and EAC CASSOA staff received EALA Members.



Aviation Symposium Kicked Off in Nairobi – Kenya

The 4th East African Community Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) symposium was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 1st to 2nd February 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel under the theme of ‘Aviation Safety and Collaborative Approach’. The symposium was held as an initiative to review CASSOA’s safety and harmonization programmes including the assistance to partner states to assist them in meeting ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.



Jane Muthoni Leitich’s Candle Burns Out

Death robbed the aviation fraternity of yet another expert, Mrs. Jane Muthoni Leitich, formerly the Chief Legal Officer of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority and a member of the legal team assisting CASSOA with legal expertise during Working Group Meetings. The energetic Jane Muthoni succumbed to cancer on 7th January 2017 and will be laid to rest on 13th January 2017 after a requiem mass at Purpose Centre Church in Nairobi, Kenya.

To the CASSOA family, the name Jane Muthoni Leitich is synonymous with hard work and diligence in the CASSOA working group meetings deliberating on draft harmonised EAC Regulations and Technical Guidance Materials. She was a friend to everyone both because of her knowledge in legal affairs as well as her humourous attitude towards all who crossed her path. She participated in CASSOA activities from 2008 till the time of her death in January 2017. She is survived with two children and a husband.

Our deepest sympathy go to her husband Mr. Leitich, children, and her paternal and maternal families, plus all her colleagues at Kenya CAA. She will always be remembered with fondness.


12th January 2017

Entebbe, Uganda



On 27th November, 2016, Arusha city was host to the EAC – China Electronic technology Corporation (CETC) High Forum. The EAC has established an Upper Flight Information Region (UFIR) as a single bloc over the Partner States airspace that will be operated from a single operations centre. This will make the region safer for investment and multinational markets.

China has benefited the international community in development projects and has been contributing to various countries of the developing world in the development of infrastructure. During the BRIC Summit that was held in South Africa, China announced a development plan for Africa that is worth billions of dollars. One of the areas earmarked for development is aviation. China has actively participated in the development of aviation in EAC and is looking towards the establishment of a sustainable aviation industry, thus the proposal to establish an EAC Joint ATM Laboratory.

The signing of the EAC Joint ATM Laboratory Agreement between Kenya and China in Mount Meru hotel, Arusha, Tanzania

The signing of the EAC Joint ATM Laboratory Agreement between Kenya and China in Mount Meru hotel, Arusha, Tanzania

The 27th November meeting was a great opportunity for CETC to meet with leaders of EAC and Partner States’ CAAs. CETC was established  by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) to develop both civil and military electronics. It is the main manufacturer and research company of electronic devices in China. For the first time, CETC this year entered into an agreement with the government of PRC to supply its products outside China. It has so far successfully exported its products to USA, Latin America and Asia. It has become the leading enterprise in aviation technology in PRC with corporation of CAAC.  CETC played a leading role in the development of ATM in PRC. In 2004 – 2006, China and Europe developed an ATM platform. Last November  2015, CETC signed a co-operation agreement with Kenya. It is now looking forward to co-operation with the other EAC Partner States in the next 2 – 3 years. An important activity of this Forum is the signing of the EAC Joint ATM Laboratory Agreement. CETC plans to train African States in the ATM Laboratory for the development of ATM, and will eventually invest in establishment of an ATM academy in the next 5 years. CETC will recruit local experts as well for the running of this Academy which will perform research, maintenance of Next Generation ATM equipment.

During the meeting, the acting Director of KCAA ANS, Mr. Wesechere, gave a brief overview on the status of ATM in EAC Partner States. Participants were informed that Airspace classifications are unique in each State. Kenya and Uganda have made formal arrangements on special, joint, flexible use of their airspace. Traffic operating above FL 245 is more than that operating below FL 245. All Partner States except Burundi have HF. Kenya has AMHS and AIM automation while other PS are in the process of implementation.

At the end of the meeting, an EAC Joint ATM Laboratory Agreement between Kenya and China was signed, where the laboratory will be hosted in Nairobi, Kenya.

CASSOA congratulates the EAC Partner States and CETC on this great achievement.


December 2016


CASSOA Congratulates Uganda CAA on 25th Anniversary

The Civil Aviation Authority of Uganda, CAA (U), marked its 25th Anniversary with all the magnitude it deserved on the 8th December, 2016. The CAA (U) was actually established by an Act of Parliament in October 1991, however, management planned to bring the silver jubilee anniversary celebrations closer to those of the International Civil Aviation Day – 7th December, 2016.

During the dinner hosted by CAA (U) in celebration of the silver jubilee, the Managing Director and CEO of CAA (U) gave an abridged overview of the achievements of the Authority during the span of 25 years of its existence. During the same occasion, a Uganda Tourism promotional film was launched.

Some of the invited guests during the CAAU dinner to celebrate 25 years of existence

Some of the invited guests during the CAAU dinner to celebrate 25 years of existence

The celebrations were graced by the Minister of Works and Transport, Hon. Monica Azuba Ntege, and the Minister of Tourism, Hon. Ephraim Kamuntu, among the other invited dignitaries and stakeholders. CASSOA was represented during these celebrations.

CASSOA congratulates the Board, management and staff of CAA (U) on their 25th Anniversary.


December 2016


CASSOA Executive Director pays Courtesy Call on AATO SG

The African Association of Aviation Training Organisations (AATO) was established in October 2015 and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia offered to host it. One of the main objectives for the establishment of AATO was the standardisation of acceptable and approved training syllabuses for the aviation Approved Training Organisations in Africa.

AATO held a successful General Assembly in Kampala which drew participants from all continents of the world. AATO, like any regional or international organisation, is steadily growing but with challenges. It was therefore prudent that on 21st December 2016 the Regional Director of the ICAO Eastern and Southern Africa office (ESAF), Mr. Barry Kashambo, and the Executive Director for CASSOA, Mr. Robert Nviiri, used the opportunity of the LOC-I and UPRT workshop which was held at the Ethiopian Airlines Aviation Academy to pay a courtesy call on the AATO Secretary General – Ms. Margaret Kyarwenda.


The AATO Secretary General, Ms. Margaret Kyarwenda

The RD ICAO ESAF and ED CASSOA shared with the Secretary General of AATO experience of regional international organisations, which experience would come handy in her task of running her important office. In her remarks, the AATO Secretary General thanked the two executives for the brotherly technical assistance. She also gave them a brief overview of the organisation’s programmes and experience of the period AATO has been in operation.


22nd December 2016