ICAO ESAF Launches Project for Certification of Aerodromes in ESAF Region
One of the challenges faced in aviation today is that there are aerodromes declared as international yet they are not in the real sense. It is now encouraged to list the operating aerodromes in their actual status in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This will improve the picture of the global statistics. As long as an aerodrome does international traffic, under ICAO it is deemed an international aerodrome.
On 22nd August, 2016 at the ICAO Eastern and Southern Africa (ESAF) regional office in Gigiri, Kenya, the Regional Director launched a project for the certification of aerodromes in the region that were yet to be certified. The event was attended by participants from States of the ESAF region Zambia, Uganda, South Africa, Botswana, Seychelles, Rwanda, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique and invited guests from ICAO Western and Central Africa (WACAF) regional office, CASSOA and Airport Council International (ACI). This project is in line with the ICAO goals, strategies and activities for improving safety in the AFI region in the area of Aerodromes certification under the ICAO theme No Country Left Behind which was launched in 2014.
The theme No Country left Behind has responsibilities for global, regional and State levels with objectives by end of 2025 among which there must be:
- No fatal accidents in regular commercial flights
- No country with less than 40% Effective Implementation (EI) in all audit areas
- No country with an uncertified aerodrome
In the field of Aerodromes and Ground Aids (AGA), only 6 States in the ESAF region are above 60% EI. It is for this reason that ICAO ESAF set key performance objectives for this project in 2016 as:
- 70% of States in the region to achieve above 60% EI
- Certification of at least 45% of all international aerodromes in the region (7 States were identified as beneficiaries – Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Uganda, and Rwanda)
The Beneficiary States are expected to:
- Endorse the AFI Plan project for aerodrome certification
- Nominate focal points for implementation of the project
Annex 14 under Standard 1.4 Certification of aerodromes gives the requirement for States to certify aerodromes used for international transport. An overview of the requirements for aerodrome regulators and operators is as follows:
Responsibilities of regulator
- Regulatory framework
- Organisation and staff
- Guidelines and tools
- Certification and SMS acceptance
- Surveillance activities
- Enforcement
Responsibilities of operator
- Org and staff
- Documentation including SOP
- Aerodrome manual
- Compliance of facilities, equip and services
- Implement SMS
- Runway safety programme (establish runway safety team)
The certification of aerodromes is carried out under a 5 Phase process (Pre-application; formal application; document evaluation; assessing aerodrome facilities, equipment and service; issuance of the certificate).
During the launch of the project, it was emphasised to the Beneficiary States that their Civil Aviation Act must provide for provision of aerodromes and who oversees the operations of these aerodromes. It was also noted that most of the aerodromes aren’t certified because they have not implemented the SMS – Safety Management System. Before the grant or refusal of an aerodrome certificate, the CAAs will have to involve all the stakeholders (ANSP – Air Navigation Services Providers, aerodrome operator, and handling services at aerodromes)
Assistance and benefits of AFI Plan aerodrome certification project
The Project will last for a period of 12 months and is expected to cost $ 72,886 out of the AFI Plan budget. The implementation agencies will be the RSOOs (CASSOA, SASO) and ICAO ESAF.
Project phases
The project has 7 phases as follows:
- the launch,
- a workshop for AGA inspectors on familiarisation,
- submission of Action Plans for certification to ICAO for review,
- monitoring implementation plans,
- preparedness review for certification,
- on-site visits, and
- wrap up mission
States are expected to contribute to the project to top up on ICAO contributions where necessary.
Presentation by Tharkudi Rishi, Director ACI
Mr. Tharkudi Rishi, a Director with ACI made a presentation on Aerodrome certification supplementary programmes (RS, CAPSCA, APEX) and Runway Safety Programmes – support teams (CANSO, IATA, etc.)
Participants were informed that APEX was designed to support airports in identifying and mitigating safety vulnerabilities. Its review is conducted over a one week period and covers:
- Runways, taxi ways, aprons
- Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting
- Pavement and movement areas
Closing remarks
During closing remarks, the WACAF RD said he was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the Beneficiary States of the project. He underscored the point that the approach taken is a cost effective one where the States benefit. This is the 4th out of 10 projects by ICAO that was started this year. He assured the States the support of ICAO in the implementation of the project.
On his part, the ICAO ESAF RD informed the participants that ICAO is going through a revolution since the ICAO Council has over the times devolved responsibilities to the regional offices. He thanked the CEOs for sacrificing their time to come to the launch of this vital project, the first project to be launched in his region.